
It’s been a long time coming, but both Catherine’s Tale books are now out. Today is the publication of Catherine’s Tale Part 2 in ebook form (paperback will be out the end of this week). I’m putting the ebook on sale starting Monday at only $.99. It’s an action-packed conclusion to the intrigue built up in Catherine’s Tale Part 1. You’ll enjoy both stories; they are tightly knit together.
It has been about six months since I’ve done any solid creative writing. I’ve been busy reading and rewriting and more rewriting. Last week I had to face that fact that I needed to start my next book. Catherine’s Tale Parts 1 & 2 were done. My new thriller novel, Payback, was at the editor, so what was there to do? Write something.

So I sat down and started Jason’s Tale Part 2. When Catherine’s Tale came out many people around me asked why I switched from Jason to Catherine for my sequel. I didn’t have a good answer and, after doing Catherine justice with a good, two-part sequel, I decided I should heed their advice and go back to Jason before moving on to some of the other characters. I may or may not complete the story; it depends on you, the reader. If you want more of Jason and the other characters in that world, I’ve got a start on one of their stories. If not, I’ll shelve it for later.

But right now he’s off on another adventure, trying to rescue some friends, being true to his nature–the rescuer taking care of the flock. He’s got a partner, but I can’t say who it is at this point. My fears about getting back into creating a new story seemed to have been unfounded; I’m about 16,000 words into the story. That’s a good, solid start. My finished story should run in the 80,000 to 90,000 word range. The key is to write every day in order to keep the story fresh in my mind, not let the characters or plot go stale. I’m starting to dream of each next scene at night, then I get up and write it. It doesn’t always work that way, but I love it when it does. Just writing is important; like practicing one’s instrument if you’re a musician.

If I complete the story, I think I can get it out in October. My new editor turns work around in three to four weeks so I just have to get it to her by September. I’ll be busy this summer.
Please check out the two Catherine’s Tales on Amazon and leave a review if you like them. If you don’t send me an email. I’m not offended and have gained some insight from some critiques.

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